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SME-Credit Guarantee Insurance Loan (SME CGI Loan)

How can customers apply for SME CGI Loan?
A local SME that is registered in Myanmar at least 2 years in lifetime and those align with SME Development Law (2015) can apply SME CGI Loan.
If I have a collateral to apply for SME CGI Loan, what will the loan amount be?
Customers applying for SME CGI Loan with collateral have no limitation on credit limit. But the loan amount will be determined by the bank based on business plan and collateral.
What are repayment terms and interest rate for SME CGI Loan?
Interest rate is 10% p.a.
Where can I apply SME recommendation letter?
SME Development Center (Ministry of Industry): No. (192), Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Phone: 01- 8605591