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SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA

How can customers apply for CB Bank SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA?
A local SME that is registered in Myanmar at least 2 years in lifetimeand those align with SME Development Law (2015) can apply SME Working Capital Loan.
How can SME owner allocate loan from SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA?
SME owner should allocate 80 percent of the loan on fixed asset investment and 20 percent on Working Capital Investment.
When applying for SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA what are the requirements needed as collateral?
When applying for SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA the requirements needed as collaterals are lands and buildings.
What are the interest rate and loan tenor of CB Bank’s SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA?
Based on business’s condition, collateral and risk level, interest rate is from 5.5% to 10% per annum. Loan tenor is minimum 2 years to maximum 5 years.
Can SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA be apply with more than one bank?
Yes. If the applied loan amount is yet met its maximum, SME owner can apply more than one bank.
What types of businesses are restricted from applying for SME Long Term Investment Loan powered by JICA?
Restricted businesses are real estates, finance and insurance services, jewelry businesses, alcohol shops, firearms and ammunitions, gambling, casinos, agriculture services that affect the environment and society, unlawful activities such as drugs and other drug-related businesses are restricted from applying a loan.