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SME JICA TSL Emergency Loan powered by JICA

What are the interest rate and loan tenor of CB Bank’s SME TSL Emergency Loan powered by JICA?
Based on business’s condition, collateral and risk level, interest rate is from 5.5% to 10% per annum. Loan tenor is minimum 2 years to maximum 5 years.
Is there any template for Emergency Business Plan?
There is no template for Emergency Business Plan.
Can I apply Emergency Loan for working capital usage?
Yes, you can apply Emergency Loan for working capital usage and can use on it 100%.
Can I apply Emergency Loan for purchasing new machinery?
For those business affected by Covid-19 are eligible to apply the Emergency Loan for capital investment.
If I have received SME TSL loan with 500 million MMK, can I apply Emergency Loan again?
Yes, you can apply for Emergency Loan up to 300 million MMK again.
Can I apply Emergency Loan more than once?
No, SMEs are eligible to apply for Emergency Loan once.
If my sales are not less than 20% during Covid-19 period, am I eligible to apply Emergency Loan?
Emergency Loan is for businesses that sales went down by 20% during Covid-19 period. But if you do not meet criteria, you can apply other loans.
What is grace period for?
Grace period is only eligible for Principal repayment. You will still have to serve the interest repayment according to the repayment schedule.
If my loan tenor is 5 years, how long is my grace period?
For emergency loan,
  • Under 3 years loan tenor, grace period is 6 months
  • Between 3-5 years loan tenor, grace period is 1 years